Sunday, February 28, 2010

The First Post

I've observed people blogging for years and years. I'm starting a blog now, just when it seems that everyone else has given up blogging for lent, or facebook, or twitter.

I've been on a quest all my life for acceptance and love. It's finally dawned on me that I need to stop waiting. There will be no magic moment where I feel loved and accepted. I am loved by the people in my life - my child, my spouse, my parents. Some are very good at love (the child) some are bad (the parents). Maybe I'm just as bad at loving - moody and impatient with the spouse and the child. Too demanding of the parents and siblings. Too judgmental to build real friendships. I guess I'm just sick of waiting for my dream life to start. At the age of 46 I guess it's time to stop whining and get on with it. The magic fairy is definitely not going to come around and make my life perfect.